Our Profile

We advise you in these areas

M&A transactions, company valuations and corporate finance projects are complex issues with many pitfalls, embedded in a larger business context.

We cover all essential business, tax and accounting issues and aspects of your M&A transaction or your corporate finance project.

You benefit from our interdisciplinary approach, which minimizes risks, reduces your costs and achieves maximum economic results for you.

Sparring partner for corporate leaders

Company owners, managers, family entrepreneurs and CFOs do not need a large team of consultants for every project. The trustworthy specialist and sparring partner helps to discuss strategies, illuminate other perspectives and find creative solutions.

As experienced consultants, we provide you with our entire know-how, our strategic approach, and our creativity to find in sophisticated solution for you. We always think in alternatives and present expedient ways. This approach of mutual and close exchange makes us unique in the market. The economic success of our clients is our maxim.

Mergers & Acquisitions

An M&A project entails considerable complexity and often harbors economic opportunities but also serious risks. We accompany you as a company owner, managing director or manager of your M&A project and processes, develop tailor-made strategies, prepare company valuations in advance, draft optimal transaction design and support you in complex price and contract negotiations.

Our strength is our expertise: we have many years of experience both with auction processes of all types and in exclusive negotiations. As a generalist, we bring in our interdisciplinary perspective, are your advisor and sparring partner with the aim of representing your interests in the best possible way.

Valuation and Pricning indications

Price is what you pay and value is what you get (Warren Buffet)

Corporate valuations require the entire capability, experience and knowledge of the valuator expert. You benefit from our many years of experience in the preparation, implementation and review of company valuations.

We know all the different types and pitfalls and prevent you from negotiating too little for your company in the event of a sale, paying too much in the case of an acquisition or not being adequately compensated for the economic risks you have to burden. Our knowledge of option valuation or alternative purchase price mechanisms such as earn-outs complements issues relating to management participation and the settlement and termination of long-standing and complex shareholder disputes.

M&A Accounting

The accounting of a company purchase or sale (so-called purchase price allocation (PPA)): the often forgotten detail!

A M&A transaction will affect your balance sheet! We use existing accounting options to optimize the balance sheet structure and we have the necessary expertise to evaluate intangible assets, such as trademark rights, contract portfolios and customer bases. We are capable to identify and forecast the potential effects as early as the due diligence phase as part of an pre-deal indicative PPA.

Impairment-only approach (according national and International accounting standards)

The impairment test of goodwill remains one of the most important accounting issues to be assessed under German accounting standards (HGB) and under international accounting standards (IFRS).

Reporting Enforcement Panel (DPR) in recent years makes it necessary to specify standard specifications through a company-specific approach. We create clarity for the management and the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) with regard to the parameters, valuation approaches and scope and possible depreciation risks and reserves and ensure that the audit of the annual financial statements is prepared accordingly.

Transaction and Accounting Advisory Services

Company owners and M&A manager are often faced with short-term challenges: Whether a company purchase is to be implemented or individual specific accounting questions need to be clarified by experts - we support you in the most demanding situations.

'Going the extra mile' is not just an empty phrase for us. Our clients can always rely on that, especially in difficult situations.